Bank App Project


Log in or Sign up page

When first launching the app, the user will see this page first, where they can choose whether to create a new account, or log in to their already existing account

Log in page

If the user already has an account, they can log in from here. An error will occur if they use the wrong email or the wrong password.

Sign up page

If they do not have an account, they can create an account from this page. There are special requirements to follow, such as having an email that is not already in use, as well as a unique national number, and a strong password.

Accounts of the user

From this page the user can create up to 8 accounts, transfer money to other users and from their own accounts. they also have the option to edit their user account

where the user can edit their user account

Here the user can choose to change their password, image in use and even delete their account

where the user can change their password

The password need to follow the requirements: Have at least one capital letter, at least one lowercase, at least a number and a special character

Where the user can change their image

The user can change the image associated with their account with an image of their choice. When creating their account, a default image will be used.

where the use can delete their account

The user can delete their account here (careful!)

where the admin can overview over all users, delete users and edit users

The admin can overlook over users, and delete and edit users of their choice